Hebrew Search Analyzer

Hebrew Search Analyzer

Analyzer Plugin to enable full morphological Hebrew search in popular search engine technologies.

Full support for popular search engines:
Opensearch Elasticsearch Solr Lucene

What is Hebrew
Search Analyzer?

Hebrew letter

The written Hebrew language poses significant challenges to software solutions and, in reality, Hebrew is one of the most challenging languages out there for software systems and information retrieval.

Solr & Elasticsearch

To make the most out of search engine software like Elasticsearch, OpenSearch and Solr, when dealing with Hebrew texts a dedicated conversion layer (Analyzer) has to be used in order for Hebrew to even be searchable, and to leverage the full range of features provided by the search engine itself.

Light bulb

Eyfo’s Hebrew Search Analyzer is that software solution that you need in order to take advantage of the search engine’s full range of capabilities, despite the complexity of the Hebrew language.

Hebrew classification chart

Our product is a dictionary and algorithms based solution, a combination that allows us to tackle the language’s dynamics by offering a relatively low maintenance and no need to compromise on the quality of the proposed solution.

Searching on list

Suitable for every organization and for every software solution, it allows, through a connection to the organization’s search engine, to carry out a full Hebrew morphologic search, to overcome the language barriers and to improve the quality and the precision of the search results.

Improve Hebrew Search in your product

Hebrew Morphological Search

Full support for Hebrew search end to end. Supports everything you'd expect — all Hebrew language features despite it being very difficult to deal with in texts.

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Verbs, Nouns, Acronyms - we cover it all

Our search plugin understands all words in the language, categorizes them into categories, and is even able to disambiguate words in many cases. Since nouns are often the more searchable terms, we do a lot to avoid confusing verbs with them.

green niqqud blob

Handles Niqqud and all spellings

We can handle texts with Niqqud, but the real challenge is with Niqqud-less texts where many words have more than one possible spelling. That is in fact most of the modern Hebrew text in the internet, and pretty much everywhere else.

green union blob

Full Synonyms Support

In Hebrew, many words are pronounced the same but have different ways to be written; and some entities can be described by several completely different words. All types of synonyms are fully supported by our Hebrew Analyzer plugin.

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Keeping up with the language

We keep updating our dictionaries so that whenever new places, people and other proper names or special verbs make their way to the language, we properly recognize them and can treat them properly.

Full and native integration
to search engines

puzzles being completed

Supports all search features you’d expect

Wildcard search, proximity and phrase searches, exact matches, Fuzzy search, did you mean? Autocomplete , results highlighting, and more. The plugin is native to the search engine and allows users to use the full feature-set, and unlike other solutions — doesn’t remove support from any of the existing features provided by the search engine.

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High search relevance and retrieval quality

Regularly measured using various methods and improved accordingly

engineer blob

Built by Search Engineers

Our team has been building search engines and taking relevance engineering tasks with large scale customers for over a decade now. Rest assured we know what we are doing, and we can also help with your search challenges through consulting (link).

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Proximity search / phrases

highlighter blob

Text highlighting in results

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merging points blob

Auto-suggest and fuzzy search

Reach out to start your trial

Improve Hebrew search results in your system using our Analyzer plugin.

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